EDQ Lived Experience Practice Framework

Organisation / Service


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This framework is a guide as to how lived experience work is integrated and practised at EDQ. It:

  • Provides a structure for a safe and effective lived experience workforce.
  • Provides workers with a clear reference point for their work and the differences from other disciplines providing support.
  • Aims to professionalise the lived experience workforce at EDQ.

EDQ’s peer workforce identified Connection and Belonging as an overarching value and framework within the peer support worker role, as supported by a larger body of literature. 

National Strategy Standards and Actions


Standard 3:

Action 3.1: Organisational and service leaders to endorse and build organisational readiness to support the leadership and work of eating disorder Lived Experience workers within their organisation/service, recognising Lived Experience workers as integral partners in the system of care.

Action 3.2: Eating disorder lived experience organisations and eating disorder service development organisations to develop standards, competencies, and training frameworks for the eating disorder Lived Experience workforce, building on existing work within the eating disorder sector and the broader mental health sector.


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