First Steps to Eating Disorder Support: A Training for Non-Clinical Workers

Organisation / Service

Eating Disorders Queensland


Free of Charge


1-2 hours


Non-clinical workers and community members who may interact with someone experiencing an eating disorder but are not providing clinical/medical treatment.

Go to First Steps to Eating Disorder Support: A Training for Non-Clinical Workers (

First Steps to Eating Disorder Support is a training initiative to empower non-clinical workers to be frontline contacts in the early identification and support of people impacted by eating disorders or disordered eating.

It will provide participants with a better understanding of how to identify eating disorders, navigate the treatment system, and the confidence and skills to talk about eating disorders in a non-stigmatizing, safe, non-judgmental, and inclusive manner.

After completing this training, participants will:

Have a better understanding of eating disorders

Have gained the knowledge and skills to support clients with an eating disorder through early identification and appropriate referrals

Have the appropriate language to assist clients

Be able to break down eating disorder stigma in the community

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