If you or a loved one are experiencing concerns related to body image, food or eating, it is important to reach out for help. However, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to begin.
The information you will find in the sections listed below will help you to understand the types of eating disorder services and treatment options available, and will support you to feel informed to take the next step.
System of care
This section outlines the kinds of services available across the course of illness and recovery for people experiencing an eating disorder. It is helpful to understand where all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together as you start to explore the services that are most suitable to your needs.
Service locator
This section includes information about eating disorder-specific clinical services available across Australia. You can match these services against the System of Care diagram.
Treatment options
This page outlines treatment approaches for people experiencing eating disorders that are appropriate for the outpatient setting (i.e., those that a person can access while still living at home)
Eating disorder organisations
There are a number of eating disorder organisations in Australia with a focus on improving services and outcomes for people experiencing eating disorders. Some of these organisations have a national focus, while others work at a state/territory level.
Peer support work and support groups
Peer support work and support groups can provide valuable assistance to people who are thinking about or are in recovery from an eating disorder, and their families and supports.
People with lived experience
This section includes resources and information relevant to people who have experienced, are currently experiencing, are recovering, or have recovered from an eating disorder. This page is also intended for people who might be concerned that they have an eating disorder or who may be engaging in disordered eating or have body image concerns.
Families and Supports
This section includes resources and information relevant to families and supports of people experiencing eating disorders.