In Australia, people experiencing an eating disorder are eligible for mental health and dietetic support through Medicare. The information on this page is relevant to people seeking treatment for an eating disorder and for health professionals. It outlines the various supports available through Medicare, including specific care and treatment plans, referrals, and overlap between care and treatment plans.
Medicare items and plans for eating disorders
People experiencing an eating disorder can access mental health treatment either through an Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plan (EDP) or a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP). Dietetic treatment can be accessed through an EDP or a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan. Click on the headings below to learn more about these supports.
Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plan (EDP)
Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP)
Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan
Medical reviews
July 2021 changes
Commencing 13 March 2020 and extending until 31 December 2021, the Australian Government made a number of temporary Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) telehealth (video and telephone) items available to help reduce the risk of community transmission of COVID-19 and provide protection for people experiencing eating disorders and health care providers. From 1 July 2021, GPs and Other Medical Practitioner telephone items were streamlined. This change aligns with how the items are being used by providers and is also based on expert advice about the use of telephone-based services.
No changes to face-to-face items or telehealth items delivered via videoconference have been made.
Click here to access a fact sheet produced by NEDC containing information about the new, continuing and discontinued telephone items from 1 July 2021, which may be relevant to GPs and Other Medical Practitioners providing services via telephone to patients experiencing an eating disorder.
July 2023 changes - Case conferences
From 1 July 2023, 21 new Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items have been made available for eligible providers to organise and coordinate or participate in case conferences to discuss a patient’s mental health care. These MBS changes were informed by the Better Access Evaluation, the Productivity Commission’s Mental Health inquiry and the Select Committee’s inquiry into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. The changes aim to improve access to multidisciplinary, collaborative and coordinated mental health care.
Case conferences can be held for people who have been referred for Better Access services under a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) or have an active Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plan (EDP). The case conference must be organised by the medical practitioner (GP, other medical practitioner, consultant psychiatrist or consultant paediatrician) and involve at least two other members of the multidisciplinary care team providing different types of treatment to the person. The person must also agree to the case conference taking place and the involvement of all practitioners in the conference. An invitation to attend the case conference should be made to the person, however they can decide not to attend. If the person, family members, carers, or other people providing support to the person experiencing the eating disorder attend the case conference, they do not count towards the minimum number of providers required.
It is expected that a person experiencing an eating disorder would not require more than four case conferences within a 12-month period.
For more information about case conferences, such as a list of the new items and factsheet, please visit MBS Online.
Further information and support
Lived experience, families, and supports
For further support or assistance to locate an eating disorder practitioner or service, contact the Butterfly Helpline or the Butterfly Referral Database.
For information about how to find a GP, mental health professional, and dietitian able to provide treatment see the Butterfly Foundation, and ANZAED Credential Clinician database.
Information on MBS Items can be accessed at MBS Online.
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