EDV Online Support Groups (Carer Courses)
Organisation / Service
Eating Disorders Victoria
Go to EDV Online Support Groups (Carer Courses) (eatingdisorders.org.au)
Contact EDV Online Support Groups (Carer Courses)
EDV caregiver courses provide a structured environment for practical skill development among peers who share similar experiences.
Courses are organised around weekly themes to provide clear focus.
They offer two options:
UPSKILL: Designed for families and caregivers implementing a family-led refeeding (FBT/Maudsley) approach for their child. This course equips caregivers with practical tools to effectively support their loved one. The UPSKILL course spans 6 weeks, focusing on skill development for families and caregivers actively involved in their child’s refeeding process.
Weekly themes include
- Meal support
- The role of the carer
- Managing distress
- Managing eating disorder behaviours
- Boundary setting
- Managing the impact of an eating disorder
RENEW: Tailored for families/carers not currently engaged in family-led refeeding, whose loved one has been unwell for an extended period and may face additional challenges in their recovery journey. The RENEW course runs for 4-weeks and involves skills-based learning. Together we will think about how to support your loved one, even though you may not currently be taking an active role in their re-nourishing.
Weekly themes include
- Carer agency
- Stages of change
- Boundary setting
- Scaffolding
National Strategy Standards and Actions
Standard 3: Treatment is person-centred and inclusive of families/supports and communities.
Priority Action 3.3: Treatment services to engage families/supports as early as possible in treatment and provide them with specific psychoeducation and support for their own needs.
Psychosocial and Recovery Support
Standard 1: People experiencing eating disorders and their families/supports have access to psychosocial and recovery support services and programs, according to their needs.
Priority Action 1.4: Psychosocial and recovery service providers to ensure that programs and services are available for people experiencing eating disorders and their families/supports.
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