EDQ bITE - Brief Intervention/Therapy for Eating Disorders
Organisation / Service
Eating Disorders Queensland
Go to EDQ bITE - Brief Intervention/Therapy for Eating Disorders (eatingdisordersqueensland.org.au)
What is bITE?
bITE is a 15 week community based program that focusses on connection and nourishment. bITE is tailored to individual client needs and preferences across the continuum of care, regardless of ED type, severity or geographical accessibility. ‘bITE is a great introduction into EDQ and ED therapeutic work.
There are 3 components of the bITE program. EDQ clients can choose components that suit their needs and meet them where they are at in their journey.
What bITE aims to do
Phase 1 of the bITE program is Connect. This is 6 individual brief intervention therapy sessions and participation in an 11 week skills based group called ‘Wise Choices’. During the connect phase clients learn skills and tools to navigate current challenges in recovery.
Phase 2 of the bITE program is Nourish. This is our 4 week introductory meal support group called one bITE at a time. This group creates a supportive environment to work through challenges associated with eating and enables clients to apply the skills and tools learnt in phase 1 of bITE.
Completion of bITE allows clients to flow into longer term individual therapy, group therapy and peer work.
Clients will remain on the waitlist for these EDQ services whilst engaging in bITE.
Carers/ Key supports of bITE clients can access EDQ services at any time.
How to access bITE
Access to bITE and all EDQ services requires self-referral and you do not need a clinical diagnoses.
Clients need to be:
- Over the age of 16 years
- Engaged with their GP (received medical clearance)
- A QLD resident
- A permanent resident/ Australian citizen
National Strategy Standards and Actions
Treatment - Community-based
Standard 1: Treatment services routinely offer or refer to early and brief community interventions for people with binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, OSFED (excluding atypical anorexia nervosa), UFED, and sub-threshold eating disorders where clinically indicated.
Action 2.2 Services providing eating disorder treatment to ensure staff have capacity to offer, or refer to, early and brief interventions (online or face-to-face) such as single session interventions, guided self-help or other brief manualised interventions where clinically indicated.
Action 2.3 Service commissioners and funders to fund early intervention pathways in treatment services.
Psychosocial and Recovery Support
Standard 1: People experiencing eating disorders and their families/supports have access to psychosocial and recovery support services and programs, according to their needs.
Action 1.2: Clinical services to include psychosocial and recovery support providers in the multidisciplinary care team where appropriate.
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