EDQ Lived Experience Sessions
Organisation / Service
Eating Disorders Queensland
Go to EDQ Lived Experience Sessions (eatingdisordersqueensland.org.au)
Lived Experience Sessions provide a non-therapeutic, practical and social support from someone who understands lived experience. It gives hope to clients and the opportunity to practice the skills learnt in therapy in a safe and supportive space.
Clients are offered ten sessions which can take place either face-to-face or via telehealth.
A session may involve:
- Validating shame, trust & self-worth
- Building sense of interests and identity beyond the eating disorder
- Unpacking greater meaning and quality of life into the recovery process
- Managing triggers from the family & environment
- Exploring and understanding values
- Meal and snack support
- Sharing tips for relapse prevention
- Identifying and working towards recovery goals
National Strategy Standards and Actions
Psychosocial and Recovery Support
Standard 1: People experiencing eating disorders and their families/supports have access to psychosocial and recovery support services and programs, according to their needs.
Action 1.2: Clinical services to include psychosocial and recovery support providers in the multidisciplinary
care team where appropriate.
Action 1.4: Psychosocial and recovery service providers to ensure that programs and services are available
for people experiencing eating disorders and their families/supports.
Standard 3: There is a skilled and diverse Lived Experience workforce operating across the system of care, including in governance, leadership, consultation, and direct care roles.
Action 3.1: Organisational and service leaders to endorse and build organisational readiness to support the leadership and work of eating disorder Lived Experience workers within their organisation/service, recognising Lived Experience workers as integral partners in the system of care.
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