EDQ Therapeutic Supports - NDIS

Organisation / Service

Eating Disorders Queensland

Go to EDQ Therapeutic Supports - NDIS (eatingdisordersqueensland.org.au)

Therapeutic Supports are available to individuals across Queensland (age 16 and over), either in person or via telehealth. This support option allows people to explore their underlying issues with skilled practitioners in a safe, therapeutic and confidential environment. Appointments are scheduled at a time that suits you and are generally booked for 60 minutes.

EDQ is a Registered NDIS Provider

  • EDQ can provide support letters to clients where appropriate
  • Referral to Local Area Coordination for plan support or management
  • EDQ is not able to assist with applications for the NDIS

NDIS Cost guide for these services

  • Eating Disorders Queensland charges the NDIS Set Fee for all services.

National Strategy Standards and Actions

Psychosocial and Recovery Support

Standard 1: People experiencing eating disorders and their families/supports have access to psychosocial and recovery support services and programs, according to their needs.

Action 1.3: Eating disorder sector and government to investigate mechanisms for provision of psychosocial and recovery support (including through the National Disability Insurance Scheme) for people experiencing longstanding eating disorders.

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