
Organisation / Service

Butterfly Foundation

Go to #AnEDLooksLikeMe (butterfly.org.au) Contact #AnEDLooksLikeMe

There is a common misconception that eating disorders (EDs) have a specific ‘look’, however, 90 per cent of Australians are not confident they could recognise the signs or symptoms of an ED, according to new research released by Butterfly Foundation as part of its Christmas fundraising and awareness campaign, An Eating Disorder Looks Like Me. 

As a direct response to these, and other prevailing stereotypes, Butterfly is challenging misconceptions and giving a voice to underrepresented groups.

National Strategy Standards and Actions


1.2 Eating disorder and mental health organisations to continue to provide evidence-based information about eating disorder signs and symptoms and pathways to care, tailored to a range of audiences. 

1.4 Eating disorder lived experience organisations to continue to provide evidence-based resources to assist people and their families/supports and communities to identify concerns and pathways to care. 

1.5 Organisational/service settings which interact with population groups at higher risk of eating disorders (e.g., LGBTQIA+ services, schools, sporting/performance organisations) to provide evidence-based information about eating disorders appropriate to the audience

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