PHN HealthPathways
Organisation / Service
Primary Health Networks
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HealthPathways is an online decision support tool designed for general practice and primary care teams, to be used at the point of care. It provides information on how to assess and manage medical conditions, and how to refer patients to local specialists and services in the most timely way. Each Primary Health Network (PHN) develops its own HealthPathways, which supports referral to local services and programs.
NEDC has supported the following PHN's to update their HealthPathways with regards to eating disorder assessment and referral pathways:
- Brisbane North - Higher Weight Guidelines only
- East Melbourne
- Adelaide
- South East Sydney
- North West Melbourne
- Gippsland
- Western Sydney (WentWest)
- South Eastern Sydney LHD
- Primary Health Tas
- Western QLD
National Strategy Standards and Actions
Identification 2.1: Health and mental health services to ensure staff are trained to identify eating disorders and have access to up-to-date local/regional and online treatment and support options.
Identification 2.3: Eating disorder service development, lived experience organisations and Primary Health Networks to disseminate information about service pathways to support system navigation and referral by health and mental health professionals.
Initial Response
Initial Response 5.1: Every Primary Health Network to provide comprehensive HealthPathways for eating disorders with up-to-date localised information about treatment options, for GPs and
other health professionals.
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