Feed Your Instinct

Organisation / Service

Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders

Go to Feed Your Instinct (feedyourinstinct.com.au)

Feed Your Instinct (FYI) is an interactive tool designed to support parents of children and young people experiencing different types of eating and/or body image problems. FYI aims to highlight common warning signs and provide useful information about eating and/or body image problems. It will also provide you with guidance on how to help your child with these problems at home, and suggest options for further support. 

FYI has four modules: 

  • Eating: This module looks at eating patterns, food choices and attitudes towards nutrition. 

  • Wellbeing: This module looks at physical health and unhelpful weight control behaviours. 

  • Thinking: This module looks at thinking patterns and personality traits. 

  • Feeling: This module looks at relationships and social interactions. 

The FYI Eating and Body Image Checklist outlines some behaviour changes you may have noticed in your child. Once the checklist is completed, FYI will generate a personalised report with a summary of the information you have provided and suggested strategies for you to implement. We hope that this report will help you make a decision about how to act on your concerns

National Strategy Standards and Actions


1.2 Eating disorder and mental health organisations to continue to provide evidence-based information about eating disorder signs and symptoms and pathways to care, tailored to a range of audiences. 

3.3 Researchers and the broader eating disorder sector to further validate existing tools and/or co-design and validate new screening tools where there are gaps for specific population groups (e.g., eating disorder screening tools for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; children under 12, neurodivergent people, LGBTQIA+ people). 

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