Butterfly Helpline

Organisation / Service

Butterfly Foundation

Go to Butterfly Helpline (butterfly.org.au)

Butterfly Helpline is a free service in Australia aimed at supporting anyone who is concerned about eating disorders or body image issues, whether the person needs support for themself or someone they care about.

All the counsellors are qualified mental health professionals with a background in psychology, social work or counselling. They also have specialist training in eating disorders and body image. The helpline is not a crisis line and cannot provide medical help.

The Helpline offers phone, email, or chat support.

National Strategy Standards and Actions

Initial Response

5.3 Eating disorder service development and lived experience organisations to assist people experiencing or at risk of eating disorders and their families/supports to locate and navigate services by providing an online resource which contains information about the system of care and treatment options, including available services (public and private). 

 5.4 Eating disorder organisations and mental health entry and referral services to promote the availability of eating disorder credentialed clinicians within the system of care. 

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