This dedicated page provides access to evidence-based eating disorders information and tools needed to support Primary Health Networks (PHNs) activities and the communities they serve.
Fact sheets for PHNs
Facts about eating disorders for PHNs
Eating Disorders Stepped System of Care
Eating disorders high risk groups and co-occurring conditions
DSM V criteria for eating disorders
Screening and assessment tools for eating disorders
Communicating to reduce eating disorder risk
Fact Sheets for Health Professionals
The following series of fact sheets on disordered eating and the different eating disorder diagnoses may be shared with health professionals in your region, as well as embedded in clinical health pathways. They also can be used to support consumer education.
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
Other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED)
More information about other presentations including Pica, and Rumination Disorder, may be accessed here.
The following profession-specific resources are available:
General Practitioners: A Professional Resource
Eating Disorders and the Dietitian Decision-Making Tool
Pregnancy: A Guide for Assessment and Referral
Dentistry and Eating Disorders
Resources to support General Practices
NEDC Eating Disorder Core Skills: eLearning for GPs. A nationally recognised and freely accessible online training, accredited by the RACGP as a CPD Accredited Activity (40 points), ACRRM under the Professional Development Program and GPMHSC as Mental Health CPD. The four-hour, self-paced and interactive training provides GPs with the key information, tools and resources needed to improve treatment outcomes and best practice care for their patients with eating disorders. Access here.
Quality Improvement Toolkit for General Practice: Eating Disorders Module. Developed by Brisbane South PHN to support GP practices in early identification, treatment, and data integrity. The Toolkit can be viewed here. Contact Brisbane South PHN to obtain a white-label version to adapt and share with GP practices across your PHN region.
Medicare Eating Disorder items. Allow Australians living with a severe and complex eating disorder to access up to 60 Medicare-funded sessions of treatment; including up to 40 psychological and 20 dietetic sessions. Access quick guides and information about Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plans here. NEDC is keeping up to date with Covid-19 and MBS Telehealth items relating to eating disorders. Find out more here.
CBT Guided Self-Help can be a useful intervention in some eating disorder presentations. Find out more here.
The Care Team. Find out more about the roles of different members of the care team in supporting eating disorder treatment and recovery here.
Eating Disorder Credential
The ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential provides mental health professionals and dietitians with formal recognition of qualifications, knowledge, training, and professional development activities needed to meet minimum standards for the delivery of safe and effective eating disorders treatment.
The Credential aims to support early intervention and best practice treatment for people experiencing eating disorders. Find out more here.
if you are a GP or other health professional wanting to refer someone experiencing an eating disorder to a mental health professional or dietitian with appropriate knowledge, skill, and experience, see the ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential database.
NEDC publications and additional resources
A suite of NEDC's publications including national standards, workforce core competencies can be accessed here.
Key considerations for services providers
Primary Health Networks quick reference guide
Deloitte Access Economics, Prevalence of eating disorders by Primary Health Network (2019)
NEDC and Mindframe - eating disorders media and communications guidelines (2021)
Peer work guide for eating disorders (2020)
NEDC Consultation Papers: Evidence in Practice Implementing the National Framework (2014)
There are lots of great resources available to support PHNs, health professionals, service providers, and consumers. If you have not found what are looking for, please contact NEDC at
NEDC has developed an Eating Disorders Quality Improvement Tool for PHNs (ED QI) to support PHNs plan and implement best practice actions to respond to eating disorders in their regions. Find out more here.
NEDC recognises the challenges for PHNs in facilitating an effective, integrated primary health care system that addresses both local health care needs and the national priorities determined by the Australian Government. Find out more about NEDC's purpose and work with PHNs here.
Contact NEDC to discuss our current work and projects with PHNs.