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Showing 49 - 60 of 1878 total results


The cost of individual treatment is dependent on the type…
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Support and Treatment Options

Eating disorder treatment can involve different types of treatment approaches…
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The Stepped System of Care for Eating Disorders outlines the…
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Stages of Change

The stages of change model can be helpful in understanding…
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Recovery from an eating disorder means different things to different…
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Lapses & Relapse

Lapses and relapse are part of the recovery process for…
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Education Professionals

Schools and school staff are in an ideal position to…
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Contact Us

NEDC is keen to hear from you!
We are always happy…
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Share Your Research Study

If you are conducting research on eating disorders in Australia,…
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Co-occurring conditions

Comorbidity is generally defined as the co-occurrence of two or…
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