Webinar: Thinking about the intersection between psychotropic medications, metabolic health and eating disorders
Webinar: Thinking about the intersection between psychotropic medications, metabolic health and eating disorders
Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders
About this event
Presented by:
Dr Campbell Thorpe, Consultant Psychiatrist CEED and Austin Health
Gareth Sherring, CEED Senior Lived Experience Advisor
Jess Gomularz, CEED Senior Dietitian
In this webinar you will hear a range of perspectives on metabolic issues associated with prescribing psychotropic medications to people with eating disorders and body image issues. Consideration of consent, risk-benefit ratio and weight bias vs health bias will all be discussed. Presenters will reflect on how to thoughtfully talk about psychotropic medications through a size inclusive/eating disorder informed lens, whilst being transparent. Our Senior Dietitian Jess Gomularz will discuss a thoughtful approach to conducting metabolic monitoring of clients with eating disorders. If you need to understand more about the implications of psychotropic medications and metabolic health in your work with people with eating disorders click on the link below to register.