Eating Disorders in Sport

Organisation / Service

The Mindul Dietitian


20 hours

Learning Level

Suitable for Beginner, and Intermediate practicioners.

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It is widely understood that eating disorders are a significant issue within the athlete setting, across ages, sports and genders. Yet, Dietitians and other health professionals often feel ill-equipped to tackle some of the tricky presentations or situations which may arise.

This course will guide you from research and diagnostics, all the way through to stepping you through the practical side of setting up effective Eating Disorder early intervention frameworks in your athlete or practice setting. Each module will only take you up to 30 minutes each and is accompanied by practice-ready downloadables and reflection activities for you to extend your learning and get started straight away.

  • Over 12 hours of online video training, broken up into 20-30 minute modules to watch in your own time schedule
  • Detailed PowerPoint slides
  • Downloadable handouts to use with clients and athletes in your practice straight away
  • Links to resources
  • Research articles supporting each section
  • Audio links to hear from our experts

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognise early warning signs of eating disorders in the sporting setting, and educate others to be able to do the same
  • Identify diagnostic symptoms of disordered eating and eating disorders
  • Address myths which may precipitate or perpetuate disordered eating and exercise behaviours
  • Understand eating disorders through the bio-psycho-social and aetiological models
  • Identify your scope of practice, and your specific role as a Dietitian within the team
  • Understand the history of the Athlete Triad, and the evolution to Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
  • Administer a basic screening tool, and understand which is best to use in your setting, and why
  • Know when to screen, and when to follow through with a more thorough assessment
  • How to use your screening and assessment materials as powerful prevention and early intervention tools
  • Support others to understand more about eating disorders
  • Facilitate an education session with athletes, coaches and support staff
  • Develop a framework with includes effective communication pathways between health team members, athletes and support staff



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