ED101: Understand, recognise and act

Organisation / Service

Eating Disorders Victoria


90 minutes

Learning Level

Suitable for Beginner practicioners.

Go to ED101: Understand, recognise and act (eatingdisorders.org.au) Contact ED101: Understand, recognise and act

This is our 90-minute workshop for a crash course on eating disorders. The workshop covers types of eating disorders, risk factors, and warning signs; body image and media influence, explore protective factors, and stress the importance of early intervention.

Ideal for 10-30 participants across various health professions.

EDV can cater to a range of health professions, and the following tailored programs for Eating Disorders 101 have already been developed for:

  • Eating Disorders and Diabetes
  • Eating Disorders: Pregnancy and early Parenthood
  • Eating Disorders: Early Identification and Intervention for Psychologists and Mental Health Professionals
  • Eating Disorders: for Teachers and School Staff
  • Eating Disorders: Understand, Recognise and Act, for Fitness Professionals


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