Multi-Family Therapy for Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa

Organisation / Service

Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders


4 days

Learning Level

Suitable for Advanced practicioners.

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This training provides mental health clinicians with an introduction to Multi-Family Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa (MFT-AN) through immersive experiential activities and didactic learning. The training is based upon MFT-AN as manualised in ‘Multi-Family Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa: A Treatment Manual’ (Simic et al., 2021).

The training workshop utilises material from the Maudsley MFT training with attention to the Australian context.

Participants will:

  • Learn the key MFT-AN treatment concepts
  • Experience the activities used in the 4-day workshop
  • Understand the facilitation skills needed for successful implementation

The workshop runs as an experiential group so participants will see the facilitation skills demonstrated and have an opportunity to practice.


$750 for Victorian CAMHS/CYMHS

$1200 for other health professionals

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