Foundations of Eating Disorders for Dietitians

Organisation / Service



12 hours

Learning Level

Suitable for Intermediate practicioners.

Contact Foundations of Eating Disorders for Dietitians

Introduction to Evidence Based Management of Eating Disorders in Youth (>16 years) & Adults for Dietitians Workshop

This 4 x ½ day intermediatory workshop is designed for dietitians across all care settings who have limited experience with providing dietetic support for people living eating disorders and would like to learn more about eating disorders or those dietitians who already manage individuals living with an eating disorder who would like to consolidate their skills.

The topics presented in this workshop aligns with the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Eating Disorders (ANZAED) dietetic practice guidelines however has not been approved by the National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) as accredited training. Completion of this 4 – ½ Day workshop cannot be used as evidence of having attended accredited training for dietitians wanting to apply for the ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential

This workshop uses a variety of learning methods including didactic, interactive and experiential practise opportunities to meet workshop goals and objectives.

This collaborative workshop will include information on:

Week 1 | Day 1 & Day 2 – Navigating the Dietetics Journey

  • Introduction to eating disorders including prevalence and types
  • Navigating through the Nutrition Care Plan and ADIME process for eating disorders
  • Develop an understanding of evidence based medical management
  • Understanding the cognitive effects of starvation and starvation syndrome
  • Explore ways of normalising eating
  • Understand evidenced based psychological treatments for people living with eating disorders and the ways in which dietetic care can support treatment
  • Enhance understanding of navigating care for a person living with an eating disorder

Week 2 | Day 3 & Day 4 – Enhancing Dietetics Care

  • Identifying populations at a higher risk of developing an eating disorder and provide a brief overview of evidence based/informed dietetic care
  • A brief introduction to the neurobiology of eating disorders
  • A brief introduction into understanding The Polyvagal Theory, trauma response and how this can improve client engagement
  • Understanding the role of each member of the multidisciplinary
  • Effective communication for a collaborative relationship
  • A brief introduction into the foundations of meal support for dietitians and supporting carer’s with meal support delivery
  • Importance of dietetic supervision for dietitians working in the eating disorder space


  • Nil cost for ALL WA Health Dietitians
  • $165.00 (includes GST) for Private | NGO | Outside WA Dietitians

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