Bariatric Surgery Red Flags and Dietetic Dilemmas

Organisation / Service



4 hours

Learning Level

Suitable for Advanced practicioners.

Contact Bariatric Surgery Red Flags and Dietetic Dilemmas

Bariatric surgery is often approached as a last resort after a lifetime of dieting. The same type of dieting that is known to increase susceptibility to an eating disorder. Those living in larger bodies may not identify as having an eating disorder, and assessing for an eating disorder may be overlooked by clinicians in this population. The surgery almost certainly transforms the physical and primary outcomes such as preventing nutrient deficiencies, weight loss, and monitoring adherence to dietary protocols may see poor food relationships go under the radar. This is despite calls to screen for eating disorders for early detection and treatment. As clinicians, how do we address all the competing care demands in this population with complex needs. What tools can we add to our toolbox to better meet the challenges for supporting those who are living with bariatric surgery and disordered eating.

This collaborative workshop will include information on:

  • Identifying different types of bariatric screening tools and the role of the dietitian
  • Identifying and managing nutrition priorities with people living with an eating disorder post bariatric surgery
  • Prescribing appropriate supplementation for post bariatric surgery management
  • Identifying and working collaboratively with disordered eating | eating disorder individuals post bariatric surgery who haven’t been identified pre-bariatric surgery

Education provided at this skill building workshop is suitable for dietitians across all care settings. It is assumed dietitians attending this training already possess the qualifications, knowledge, training, and professional development profile to meet minimum standards in line with the ANZAED dietetic practice standards. It is implied that dietitians attending this workshop already understand the foundations of evidence based dietetic management for eating disorders.


No cost for NMHS/WAEDSS dietitians / $165 for others


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