Working with Emotions: Understanding Emotions and Distress When Working with Eating Disorders and Supports

Organisation / Service

Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders


8 hours

Learning Level

Suitable for Advanced practicioners.

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Having an eating disorder or engaging in disordered eating is associated with high levels of distress for clients and their supports. High levels of emotions and difficulties managing emotions can be present at all stages of treatment. This can be in relation to food/eating, body image, as well as other life domains. In addition, high levels of distress can interfere with treatment goals and lead to prematurely ending treatment.

It is expected that by the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Understand the experience of distress among individuals with eating disorders
  • Understand the differences between state based and trait-based anxiety and how they may be conceptualised differently
  • Understand different domains of distress (emotions, behaviours, physiological responses and cognitions) and levels of distress, as well as appropriate interventions for each
  • Have learned strategies/techniques to include supports in recognising and managing distress


$75 for Victorian public mental health services

$210 for other health professionals

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