‘Red Flags’: Decision Making and Communication for at-risk Clients in the Fitness Industry

Organisation / Service

InsideOut Institute


2 hours

Learning Level

Suitable for Beginner, and Intermediate practicioners.

Go to ‘Red Flags’: Decision Making and Communication for at-risk Clients in the Fitness Industry (insideoutinstitute.org.au) Contact ‘Red Flags’: Decision Making and Communication for at-risk Clients in the Fitness Industry

Enhance your expertise as an exercise professional with our comprehensive eLearning training course on eating disorders. Designed specifically for Personal Trainers, Gym and Group Fitness Instructors, Centre Managers, Physiotherapists, and other fitness professionals, this course provides an essential introduction to eating disorders, including screening, identification, and management within a fitness environment. Engage with insightful videos featuring individuals who have a lived experience of an eating disorder, participate in interactive exercises, and test your knowledge with quizzes.



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