Anxiety in Eating Disorder, Oncology and Multiple Sclerosis Populations
About this study
Researchers at The University of Melbourne are interested in psychological factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of anxiety in those with a lived experience of an Eating Disorder, Cancer or Multiple Sclerosis. Participation involves filling out a short online questionnaire at three time points, on your phone or your computer. Participants will have a chance to win 1 of 11 AUD$100 e-gift cards for completing both Time 1 and 2 surveys and another 1 of 11 AUD$100 e-gift cards after completing Time 3. Participation is voluntary and all data will remain confidential.
Associate Professor Litza Kiropoulos
Director, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Lab
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia
T: +61 3 9035 4063 E: