Eating disorders prevention, treatment and management: An updated evidence review (2017)
About this resource
This document was developed in 2017 and contains information and research that is no longer current. In some instances, the language and descriptions used do not reflect current evidence, views or values about body image, disordered eating, eating disorders and the system of care. We ask that you are thoughtful in your application of this information, refrain from using outdated language and concepts when referring to this work, and access more up to date information via our Resources and Research pages.
In 2010 the NEDC published a literature review that evaluated the health promotion, prevention, early intervention and treatment interventions available for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge
eating disorder. Since there has been considerable empirical work in these areas since the original review was published, the current report was conducted to evaluate the breadth of recent literature (2009-2016) and update the discussion around current limitations in the evidence base and best steps forward.
Evidence for this report was collated by systematically reviewing the existing scientific evidence base using an analogous methodology to the original report. Scientific databases were systematically searched and the National Health and Medical Research Council level of evidence scheme was applied to address key questions pertaining to both youth and adult populations. In total, 3687 unique citations were assessed for
potential relevance to the study questions and 158 studies (31 systematic reviews and 140 randomised controlled trials) met all criteria and were evaluated in this review.