Positive Body Image in Sexual Minority Women

About this study

You are invited to participate in a research project entitled “Positive Body Image Among Sexual Minority Women: An Exploration of Lived Experience Perspectives.” This project is being conducted by Dr Linda Chiodo, Dr Jo Doley, Dr Imogen Rehm, Dr Amy Quayle and Ms Sophie Capern from the College of Health and Biomedicine at Victoria University. The proposed project aims to learn more about sexual minority women’s understanding and/or experience of positive body image and what their unique needs and preferences are with regards to positive body image interventions. Through the facilitation of several focus groups, we aim to answer the following research questions: How do sexual minority women make sense of and define positive body image? What attitudes, beliefs, and facilitators do sexual minority women attribute to their experience of positive body image and/or body dissatisfaction? What learning objectives, content, and activities do sexual minority women view as being important to include in safe and effective positive body image interventions? It is anticipated that this knowledge may be used by the current research team, and others, to inform the adaptation and development of positive body image programs designed specifically for sexual minority women who wish to improve the relationship they have with their bodies.

Research TeamDr Linda Chiodo, Dr Jo Doley, Dr Imogen Rehm, Dr Amy Quayle and Ms Sophie Capern
InstitutionVictoria University
Project Start Date1 May 2024
Project End Date30 November 2024
ParticipantsWe invite you to participate in this study if you:
Identify as a sexual minority woman (e.g., lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual or any other sexual orientation other than heterosexual). This study welcomes all women (i.e., cisgender, transgender, intersex) who identify as a sexual minority to participate.

Are aged 18-25 years.

Live in Victoria and can attend a focus group in-person at Victoria University City Campus.
What is Involvedou are too participate, you will be asked to do the following:
First, read this Participant Information Statement and Consent Form. If you agree to participate, please indicate this on the online Consent Form.
After you have signed the online Consent Form, you will be asked to complete an online Demographics Questionnaire. This questionnaire will ask about your age, gender identity, sexual orientation, cultural identity, level of education and current employment status.
Finally, you will be asked to attend and participate in a Focus Group held at Victoria University City Campus, running for approximately 3 hours. The focus group will involve approximately 5 other participants who identify as sexual minority women. These focus groups will be facilitated by member/s of the research team who also have lived experience. Focus groups will also be audio-recorded.
In the Focus Group, you will asked to participate in discussions surrounding your lived experiences of body image. Focus group questions and discussions will centre on:
How you make sense of and define positive body image
What factors contribute to your experiences of positive body image and/or body dissatisfaction
The potential influences of social media and heteronormative appearance ideals, and
What you view as being important to include in safe and effective positive body image interventions
It will be your choice what information you decide to share in the focus group. You can choose not to contribute to any discussion topic if you prefer, and you may also withdraw from the research at any time without negative consequences.
Contact Details


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