Relationship Quality in Anorexia Nervosa
About this study
I am currently recruiting for a study investigating relationship quality in anorexia nervosa. We are specifically trying to understand the role of empathy in these relationships and how deficits in this area might lessen the effectiveness of the treatments we use for anorexia nervosa.
Research TeamMs Indigo Erez, Professor Peter Enticott, Professor Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, and Dr Melissa Kirkovski
InstitutionDeakin University
Ethics Approval Number2023-275
Funding SourceNill
Project Start Date1 January 2024
Project End Date31 December 2024
Participantsindividuals aged 18-30. We are looking for people with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, people who have previously lived with anorexia nervosa but have recovered, and people who have never experienced anorexia nervosa.
What is InvolvedParticipants required to fill out some surveys online and then complete an online task where they identify emotions from facial expressions. The survey only takes up to an hour (most people finish it in a shorter time frame).
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