The Use of Adaptive Trials in Eating Disorder Treatment Research

About this study

This project will seek feedback on the use of adaptive trials in eating disorder research from people with either a lived or living experience of an eating disorder, or those who are current or past carers of someone with an eating disorder. Participation should take no more than 20 minutes (at most) and participation is entirely voluntary. If you would like to participate, in recognition of your contribution and participation time, you will have the opportunity to win one of four $50.00 Coles Myer Group vouchers.

Research TeamDr Mia Pellizzer, Dr Laura Edney
InstitutionFlinders University
Ethics Approval Number6317
Funding SourceBlackbird Initiative, Flinders University
Project Start Date7 July 2023
Project End Date31 July 2024
ParticipantsIf you have living/lived experience of an eating disorder and/or are a current/past carer of someone with an eating disorder, living in Australia, and over the age of 18, you are eligible to participate.
What is Involved• View videos and read information about randomised controlled trials and adaptive trials.
• Respond to questions to understand your demographic information (such as age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and state of residence) and to understand if you either have a current or past eating disorder, or care for someone with a past or current eating disorder, in addition to what type of eating disorder.
• Respond to questions seeking your opinion on both randomised controlled trials and adaptive trials.
Contact Details

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