Virtual ICED 2021


NEDC Steering Committee members

Dr Laura Hart “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders

Dr Phillipa Hay Self-reported cognitive-behavioral flexibility predicts subjective, but not objective, occupational and social function in Anorexia Nervosa; Emotion dysregulation across the span of eating disorders: Findings from a community sample of adolescents; Binge Eating eTherapy: Translating evidence into mainstream practice; Body image as a multidimensional concept: A systematic review of distinct body image facets in eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia; Breaking down drive for muscularity and leanness in community adolescents: A network analysis; Food consumed during objective binge eating episodes across binge eating spectrum a descriptive study in a Brazilian population; Prevention of high body mass index and eating disorders: A systematic review

Dr Michael Kohn A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a lower carbohydrate enteral feed in adolescent and young adults hospitalised with anorexia nervosa

Dr Sloan Madden Binge Eating eTherapy: Translating evidence into mainstream practice

Dr Sarah Maguire Binge Eating eTherapy: Translating evidence into mainstream practice; Translating evidence-based treatment and transforming the workforce for digital health delivery: Study Protocol, Transitioning to Digital First Line Intervention: Validation of a Brief Online Screener for Early Identification of a Suspected Eating Disorder and The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with eating disorders in Australia

Dr Susan Paxton: Gender differences in body image when viewing body positive social media images and a poster session on Evaluation of a Universal Social Media Literacy Intervention for Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating in Early Adolescents.

Professor Stephen Touyz Translating evidence-based treatment and transforming the workforce for digital health delivery: Study Protocol; Transitioning to Digital First Line Intervention: Validation of a Brief Online Screener for Early Identification of a Suspected Eating Disorder; Self-reported cognitive-behavioral flexibility predicts subjective, but not objective, occupational and social function in Anorexia Nervosa; Binge Eating eTherapy: Translating evidence into mainstream practice; Wildcard Plenary - Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go from Here?

Professor Tracey Wade A five-session dietetic intervention for outpatients undergoing psychological treatment for an eating disorder in private practice: a feasibility study and Dietary intake, patterns and beliefs among adults with an eating disorder: learnings from a case series and Screening for Eating Disorders in Primary Came: Can We Use Research to Disseminate Better Practice?

Assistant Professor Hunna J. Watson Stress and Brain-Specific Biomarkers In Anorexia Nervosa: A Meta-Analysis


Australian researchers

Jaithri Ananthapavan Prevention of high body mass index and eating disorders: A systematic review

Gail Anderson A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a lower carbohydrate enteral feed in adolescent and young adults hospitalised with anorexia nervosa

Caitlin Argent-Schutz Making Sense of Eating Disorders: Characterizing Sensory Modulation Among Individuals with Eating Disorder Symptoms

Sarah Barakat Binge Eating eTherapy: Translating evidence into mainstream practice

Chris Basten: A five-session dietetic intervention for outpatients undergoing psychological treatment for an eating disorder in private practice: a feasibility study and Dietary intake, patterns and beliefs among adults with an eating disorder: learnings from a case series

Francesca Beilharz Objectification and Disordered Eating in Women’s Sport – An Exploratory Feminist Analysis of Male Athletes' Language and the Broader Culture of Distance Running

Dr Regina Belski Disordered Eating & Body Image of Current and Former Athletes in a Pandemic - What can we learn from COVID-19 to support athletes through transitions?; Objectification and Disordered Eating in Women’s Sport – An Exploratory Feminist Analysis of Male Athletes' Language and the Broader Culture of Distance Running

Emma Bryant Transitioning to Digital First Line Intervention: Validation of a Brief Online Screener for Early Identification of a Suspected Eating Disorder

Georgie Buckley Disordered Eating & Body Image of Current and Former Athletes in a Pandemic - What can we learn from COVID-19 to support athletes through transitions?; Objectification and Disordered Eating in Women’s Sport – An Exploratory Feminist Analysis of Male Athletes' Language and the Broader Culture of Distance Running

Dr Claire Burton Integrating Family-Based Treatment with the Unified Protocols for the Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Novel Treatment for Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Dr Kay Bussey Emotion dysregulation across the span of eating disorders: Findings from a community sample of adolescents

Shannon Calvert A Conversation About How Lived Experience With Suicidality in Eating Disorders Can (and Should) Shape Clinical Practice

Belinda Chelius Therapeutic Interventions for Eating Disorders as an alternative to the Medical Model

Oxana Chiotelis Prevention of high body mass index and eating disorders: A systematic review

Professor/Adjunct Professor Simon Domara Clarke A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a lower carbohydrate enteral feed in adolescent and young adults hospitalised with anorexia nervosa

Elizabeth Mary Cummings: The End Game; Making Meaning from the Mental Health Care Experiences of Carers within the Eating Disorder Sector

Dr Michelle Cunich Translating evidence-based treatment and transforming the workforce for digital health delivery: Study Protocol; Binge Eating eTherapy: Translating evidence into mainstream practice

Mitchell Cunningham Emotion dysregulation across the span of eating disorders: Findings from a community sample of adolescents; The “not-so-healthy” pursuit: An examination of the links between the drive for toned muscularity and eating and exercise psychopathology in women;

Appearance and performance enhancing substances including anabolic-androgenic steroid use: Hidden complexities, health dangers, and recommendations for addressing use

Dr Stephanie R. Damiano “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders

An Dang Do women with differing levels of trait eating pathology experience daily stress and body dissatisfaction differently?

Kelly Dann Self-reported cognitive-behavioral flexibility predicts subjective, but not objective, occupational and social function in Anorexia Nervosa

Sarah de la Harpe Do women with differing levels of trait eating pathology experience daily stress and body dissatisfaction differently?

Sarah Louise Eddy Appearance-Based Comments and Non-Appearance-Based Evaluations are Associated With Negative Mood and Body Dissatisfaction but not Disordered Eating Behaviours: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Love me Tinder: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study showing that Dating-App Use predicts higher Binge Purging frequency, but not Body Dissatisfaction; Do Food Delivery Services like UeberEats Impact on Disordered Eating During the Coronavirus Pandemic? An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Selfie-Objectification: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study on the Relationships between Selfie and Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating Behaviours

Dr Jasmine Fardouly Is your idea of beauty different from your culture? Perceptions of feminine beauty ideals among adolescent girls in Australia, China, India, & Iran; “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders

Prof Victoria Flood A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a lower carbohydrate enteral feed in adolescent and young adults hospitalised with anorexia nervosa

Dr Janet Franklin A five-session dietetic intervention for outpatients undergoing psychological treatment for an eating disorder in private practice: a feasibility study; Dietary intake, patterns and beliefs among adults with an eating disorder: learnings from a case series

Elizabeth Frig A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a lower carbohydrate enteral feed in adolescent and young adults hospitalised with anorexia nervosa

Dr Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders; Self-objectification and disordered eating: An ecological momentary assessment study; Investigating the Relationship Between Body Dissatisfaction, Rumination and Bulimia Nervosa Symptoms: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Out of Touch: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study on the Moderating Role of Interoceptive Awareness on Self-Objectification and Disordered Eating; Do women with differing levels of trait eating pathology experience daily stress and body dissatisfaction differently?; Appearance-Based Comments and Non-Appearance-Based Evaluations are Associated With Negative Mood and Body Dissatisfaction but not Disordered Eating Behaviours: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Love me Tinder: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study showing that Dating-App Use predicts higher Binge Purging frequency, but not Body Dissatisfaction; Do Food Delivery Services like UeberEats Impact on Disordered Eating During the Coronavirus Pandemic? An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Selfie-Objectification: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study on the Relationships between Selfie and Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating Behaviours; Evaluation of a Universal Social Media Literacy Intervention for Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating in Early Adolescents.

Sarah Elizabeth Giles Self-objectification and disordered eating: An ecological momentary assessment study; Investigating the Relationship Between Body Dissatisfaction, Rumination and Bulimia Nervosa Symptoms: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Out of Touch: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study on the Moderating Role of Interoceptive Awareness on Self-Objectification and Disordered Eating; Do women with differing levels of trait eating pathology experience daily stress and body dissatisfaction differently?; “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders; Appearance-Based Comments and Non-Appearance-Based Evaluations are Associated With Negative Mood and Body Dissatisfaction but not Disordered Eating Behaviours: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Love me Tinder: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study showing that Dating-App Use predicts higher Binge Purging frequency, but not Body Dissatisfaction; Do Food Delivery Services like UeberEats Impact on Disordered Eating During the Coronavirus Pandemic? An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Selfie-Objectification: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study on the Relationships between Selfie and Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating Behaviours; Where does Purging Disorder lie on the severity spectrum compared to other eating disorders?

Chloe Gordon Evaluation of a Universal Social Media Literacy Intervention for Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating in Early Adolescents

Dr Scott Griffiths From inequity toward inclusivity in assessment: Improving the assessment and diagnosis of “non-typical” eating disorders in research and clinical practice; Validation of the Eating Pathology Symptoms Inventory in Sexual Minority Men; Understanding Unhealthy Exercise and its Prevention across Genders; The “not-so-healthy” pursuit: An examination of the links between the drive for toned muscularity and eating and exercise psychopathology in women; Body image as a multidimensional concept: A systematic review of distinct body image facets in eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia; Appearance and performance enhancing substances including anabolic-androgenic steroid use: Hidden complexities, health dangers, and recommendations for addressing use; Breaking down drive for muscularity and leanness in community adolescents: A network analysis

Associate Professor Mark Halaki A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a lower carbohydrate enteral feed in adolescent and young adults hospitalised with anorexia nervosa

Linden Hall Disordered Eating & Body Image of Current and Former Athletes in a Pandemic - What can we learn from COVID-19 to support athletes through transitions?

Ashlea Hambleton Translating evidence-based treatment and transforming the workforce for digital health delivery: Study Protocol

Dr Susan Hart A five-session dietetic intervention for outpatients undergoing psychological treatment for an eating disorder in private practice: a feasibility study; Dietary intake, patterns and beliefs among adults with an eating disorder: learnings from a case series; Using Food Plans in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Sunee Hedges Screening for Sensory Modulation Differences Among Individuals with Symptoms of Eating Disorders

Alisha Jain The clinical significance of co-occurring fear of negative evaluation and weight and shape concerns in adolescents: a latent class analysis study

Hannah Jarman “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders; Evaluation of a Universal Social Media Literacy Intervention for Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating in Early Adolescents

Marcellinus Kim The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with eating disorders in Australia

Abbigail Kinnear Functions of eating disorders during COVID-19: A qualitative study of individuals with eating disorder behaviours and clinicians who treat eating disorders

Dr Litza Kiropoulos, Do women with differing levels of trait eating pathology experience daily stress and body dissatisfaction differently?

Eyza Koreshe Transitioning to Digital First Line Intervention: Validation of a Brief Online Screener for Early Identification of a Suspected Eating Disorder; The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with eating disorders in Australia

Dr Isabel Krug Self-objectification and disordered eating: An ecological momentary assessment study; Investigating the Relationship Between Body Dissatisfaction, Rumination and Bulimia Nervosa Symptoms: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Out of Touch: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study on the Moderating Role of Interoceptive Awareness on Self-Objectification and Disordered Eating; Do women with differing levels of trait eating pathology experience daily stress and body dissatisfaction differently; “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders; Appearance-Based Comments and Non-Appearance-Based Evaluations are Associated With Negative Mood and Body Dissatisfaction but not Disordered Eating Behaviours: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Love me Tinder: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study showing that Dating-App Use predicts higher Binge Purging frequency, but not Body Dissatisfaction; Do Food Delivery Services like UeberEats Impact on Disordered Eating During the Coronavirus Pandemic? An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Selfie-Objectification: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study on the Relationships between Selfie and Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating Behaviours; Where does Purging Disorder lie on the severity spectrum compared to other eating disorders?

Dr Izelle Labuschagne Childhood Maltreatment and Traumatic Events are Common and Severe in People with Body Dysmorphic Disorder; Identity and Shame in Body Dysmorphic Disorder as Compared to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Professor Alison E. Lane Screening for Sensory Modulation Differences Among Individuals with Symptoms of Eating Disorders; Making Sense of Eating Disorders: Characterizing Sensory Modulation Among Individuals with Eating Disorder Symptoms

Dr Annie-Claude Lassemillante Disordered Eating & Body Image of Current and Former Athletes in a Pandemic - What can we learn from COVID-19 to support athletes through transitions?; Objectification and Disordered Eating in Women’s Sport – An Exploratory Feminist Analysis of Male Athletes' Language and the Broader Culture of Distance Running

Dr Ang Li Binge Eating eTherapy: Translating evidence into mainstream practice

Shanshan Liu Appearance-Based Comments and Non-Appearance-Based Evaluations are Associated With Negative Mood and Body Dissatisfaction but not Disordered Eating Behaviours: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Love me Tinder: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study showing that Dating-App Use predicts higher Binge Purging frequency, but not Body Dissatisfaction; Do Food Delivery Services like UeberEats Impact on Disordered Eating During the Coronavirus Pandemic? An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Selfie-Objectification: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study on the Relationships between Selfie and Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating Behaviours

Amy Malcolm Childhood Maltreatment and Traumatic Events are Common and Severe in People with Body Dysmorphic Disorder; An update on gender differences in major symptom phenomenology among adults with body dysmorphic disorder; Identity and Shame in Body Dysmorphic Disorder as Compared to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Danielle Maloney Binge Eating eTherapy: Translating evidence into mainstream practice

Dr Sian McLean “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders; Evaluation of a Universal Social Media Literacy Intervention for Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating in Early Adolescents

Caitlin McMaster A five-session dietetic intervention for outpatients undergoing psychological treatment for an eating disorder in private practice: a feasibility study; Dietary intake, patterns and beliefs among adults with an eating disorder: learnings from a case series; Using Food Plans in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Dr Denny Meyer COVID-19 and Eating Disorders: Wave 1 vs Wave 2

Dr Cathrine Mihalopoulos Prevention of high body mass index and eating disorders: A systematic review

Associate Professor Yvette D. Miller Therapeutic Interventions for Eating Disorders as an alternative to the Medical Model

Dr Deborah Mitchison The clinical significance of co-occurring fear of negative evaluation and weight and shape concerns in adolescents: a latent class analysis study; Emotion dysregulation across the span of eating disorders: Findings from a community sample of adolescents; The “not-so-healthy” pursuit: An examination of the links between the drive for toned muscularity and eating and exercise psychopathology in women; Body image as a multidimensional concept: A systematic review of distinct body image facets in eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia; “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders; A five-session dietetic intervention for outpatients undergoing psychological treatment for an eating disorder in private practice: a feasibility study; Breaking down drive for muscularity and leanness in community adolescents: A network analysis

Dr Sarah Nutter Rumination Over Body Weight, Shape, and Eating Habits: A Risk Factor for Body Dissatisfaction, Depression, Trait Anxiety, and Self-Esteem in Midlife Women

Jo Perez Prevention of high body mass index and eating disorders: A systematic review

Dr Andrea Phillipou COVID-19 and Eating Disorders: Wave 1 vs Wave 2

Dr Ivanka Prichard “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders

Katarina Prnjak Body image as a multidimensional concept: A systematic review of distinct body image facets in eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia; Breaking down drive for muscularity and leanness in community adolescents: A network analysis

Jessica Rabinowicz Self-objectification and disordered eating: An ecological momentary assessment study; Investigating the Relationship Between Body Dissatisfaction, Rumination and Bulimia Nervosa Symptoms: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Out of Touch: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study on the Moderating Role of Interoceptive Awareness on Self-Objectification and Disordered Eating

Dr Ronald Rapee Is your idea of beauty different from your culture? Perceptions of feminine beauty ideals among adolescent girls in Australia, China, India, & Iran

Chantelle Raux Self-objectification and disordered eating: An ecological momentary assessment study; Investigating the Relationship Between Body Dissatisfaction, Rumination and Bulimia Nervosa Symptoms: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study; Out of Touch: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study on the Moderating Role of Interoceptive Awareness on Self-Objectification and Disordered Eating

Safia Roscoe Beyond the DSMV - Lived experience perspectives on helpful strategies to support recovery

Dr Susan Rossell Childhood Maltreatment and Traumatic Events are Common and Severe in People with Body Dysmorphic Disorder; An update on gender differences in major symptom phenomenology among adults with body dysmorphic disorder; Identity and Shame in Body Dysmorphic Disorder as Compared to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; COVID-19 and Eating Disorders: Wave 1 vs Wave 2

Dr Vanja Rozenblat Do women with differing levels of trait eating pathology experience daily stress and body dissatisfaction differently?

Dr Philip Sumner COVID-19 and Eating Disorders: Wave 1 vs Wave 2

Dr Andrew Tan Prevention of high body mass index and eating disorders: A systematic review

Dr Wei Lin Toh COVID-19 and Eating Disorders: Wave 1 vs Wave 2

Nora Trompeter Emotion dysregulation across the span of eating disorders: Findings from a community sample of adolescents; The “not-so-healthy” pursuit: An examination of the links between the drive for toned muscularity and eating and exercise psychopathology in women

Dr Frances Wilson A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a lower carbohydrate enteral feed in adolescent and young adults hospitalised with anorexia nervosa

Dr Quincy J.J. Wong The clinical significance of co-occurring fear of negative evaluation and weight and shape concerns in adolescents: a latent class analysis study.

Dr Zali Yager “Can You See Me”? Body image concerns and performance anxiety related to videoconferencing for occupational purposes during COVID-19 physical distancing in an at-risk sample for eating disorders




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