NEDC launches new GP resource

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NEDC hosted a virtual launch event on Thursday 17th June 2021 to mark the release of Eating Disorder Core Skills: eLearning for GPs. The launch was an outstanding success bringing together GPs, health professionals, people with a lived experience of an eating disorder, PHN representatives, Government representatives, professional bodies and organisations, and people interested in eating disorders. 

We were welcomed by the Honourable David Coleman, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and heard about the ongoing work and support of the Government of initiatives focusing on mental health and eating disorders. 

We heard from GP Dr Jennifer Conway about the important role that the GP plays in the care and recovery of a patient experiencing an eating disorder. 

Tegan shared her lived experience of an eating disorder and provided an insight into the challenges she faced accessing treatment, her experience seeking help from her GP and the pathway to eating disorder recovery. 

NEDC's National Director Dr Beth Shelton and Clinical Resource Project Coordinator Emily Hardman explained how the learning modules work together to provide GPs with key information that will help improve early detection, intervention, and best practice care. They also hosted a lively and informative interactive Q&A session. 

The full broadcast of the virtual launch of Eating Disorder Core Skills: eLearning for GPs is available here.

About Eating Disorder Core Skills: eLearning for GPs  

Eating Disorder Core Skills: eLearning for GPs is comprehensive foundational eating disorder training developed specifically for GPs. The training provides GPs with the key information needed to provide best practice care for patients with eating disorders. It is evidence-based, nationally recognised and freely accessible to NEDC members (membership with NEDC is free). 

NEDC is committed the development of a skilled workforce, equipped to respond to eating disorders. Eating Disorder Core Skills: eLearning for GPs is based on the NEDC Workforce Core Competencies and the stepped system of care for eating disorders. It will equip GPs with the knowledge and skills needed to understand, identify and assess eating disorders; provide medical treatment; lead the multidisciplinary team; manage MBS items; and provide ongoing recovery support.

Eating Disorder Core Skills: eLearning for GPs is four-hour, self-paced and interactive online training which includes practical real-life scenarios and activities, videos from leaders in the field and people with a lived experience of an eating disorder, up to date resources and a formal assessment.

What's next?

We will be developing more eLearning courses in this series. We are currently working on the development of a course specifically for mental health professionals and will provide more information about the release of this training soon.


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