Media coverage of eating disorders: How does this relate to the National Strategy?

Note: The segment on The Project referred to below contains details about eating disorders which may be triggering or distressing to some viewers, particularly those who are currently experiencing an eating disorder.
NEDC acknowledges and thanks those with lived experience of anorexia nervosa who generously shared their stories on Channel 10’s ‘The Project’ this week. Anorexia nervosa, like all eating disorders, is a serious mental health condition with can also have significant physical health impacts. Hearing the lived experiences of people who have been affected by eating disorders is crucial both to deepening our understanding of these experiences as well as to devising more effective treatments.
While considerable progress has been made towards better meeting the needs of people experiencing or at risk of eating disorders, and their families/supports and communities, many people still face challenges in accessing a minimum standard of evidence-based care. The National Eating Disorders Strategy 2023-33 acknowledges the challenges and gaps that exist, and sets out a clear path forward for coordinated action to address these actions. ensure that people can access the care that they need, when they need it. It has emerged from extensive consultation with people with a diverse range of lived experience of eating disorders, as well as treatment providers, expert eating disorder researchers and other key stakeholders. The practical, achievable actions within the National Strategy provide a clear roadmap which will enable us all to work towards the shared goal of ensuring that people experiencing or at risk of eating disorders can access a high-quality, connected system of care, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances.
The National Eating Disorders Strategy 2023-33 complements the research agenda for eating disorders in Australia, which is continuing to devise and test new treatment options and approaches.
While there is still considerable work to be done to improve the system of care for eating disorders, treatment options and support are available, and recovery is possible. If you or a loved one is experiencing an eating disorder, disordered eating or body image concerns, your GP is a good first port of call. You can also call the Butterfly Foundation National Helpline on 1800 33 4673 or at
For more information about eating disorders, visit our explainers. To access the National Eating Disorders Strategy 2023-33, visit our National Strategy page.
NEDC thanks all people in the eating disorders sector, and our colleagues in the wider system, who together are working to build, strengthen and extend the reach and effectiveness of the system of care for eating disorders. We also thank those with lived experience, who continue to shine a light on the impact of eating disorders and contribute to system change.
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